
Pherrara continuously focused on providing its clients’ satisfied service and penetrated new market segments by implementing new marketing plans and tactics emphasizing the following:

Subsidiary’s international trades grew rapidly. It was capable of designing manufacture high-quality goods for customers and brings its clients to a higher grade.

Main Product of Pherrara New Building Material Technology 

In addition to the Company’s growth in expanding its clients’ base, its geographical position, and its sales figures, it focuses on being a reliable project partner by its commitment to provide the highest quality in the products supplied and speed in the process of responding and delivering its clients’ requests.

View of Pherrara Workshop

Large Scale Environmental Friendly Spray Tower

Large Scale Environmental Friendly Spray Tower

Large-Scale Environmental Protection Spray Tower

Large-Scale Environmental Protection Spray Tower

Hyduralic Press Production Equipments

Hyduralic Press Production Equipments

Drying Kiln

Drying Kiln

HD Inkjet Printer

HD Inkjet Printer

Large Wide Body Roller Kiln

Large Wide Body Roller Kiln

Rustic Tiles Production Line

Rustic Tiles Production Line

Production Line

Production Line

Production Workshop Connection Station

Production Workshop Connection Station

Finished Product Warehouse

Finished Product Warehouse